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Past Litters
My Story
My adventure started as a young girl when I found a domestic tabby kitten. My father being "allergic" to cats, as I think all dads are ;) actually told me that I could keep him! I named him George like "George of the Jungle". Well, George turned out to be a female, (lol) so George became George Anne. Anyway, long story short George Anne lived a very long happy life with our family.
One day in 1979 when I was in my early teens, (this is where my real adventure with Persians began) I decided to go shopping at the Golden Triangle Mall in Denton, TX. I came upon a pet store that was selling Persian kittens and I fell in love with a Silver Chinchilla Persian. I had to have her! I went home to ask my mother and, to my surprise, she helped me finance my first Persian kitten named Ginger. (FYI, I didn't know better back then but please do NOT buy from a pet store as you are supporting kitten mills). Back to my story...
years later during a casual conversation, someone whom I had only just met told me that he had a cat out on the balcony of his apartment because the landlord found out and threatened to charge deposits that he couldn't afford! I offered to take care of the poor little kitten. I named her Angel, she was a pure white Persian.
Fast forward a few years, I met my husband and married him in 1991 (still married). He bought Gizmo, a red male doll-faced first true love (the cat he he)! Gizmo lived a long healthy 20 years with us.
After raising our two children, I decided to start my cattery. So I started my cattery! In order to achieve this goal, I did extensive research on the Persian breed standard, pedigrees, and the health or genetic problems in Persians. I was mentored the first year before buying my first breeder. I spent an enormous amount of money on purchasing my Persian cats, cat toys, food, vitamin/mineral supplements, grooming products, vaccinations, veterinarian bills and other medical treatments. All of my kittens live in a spacious house with a nursery filled with lots of fun.
I do not breed Persian cats for the purpose of producing income. I breed Persian cats because I love them and it shows in everything I do on a day to day basis. I LOVE my Persians, they give me so much happiness everyday! :)
"Raised in my hands and heart"

In loving memory...

Red Persian

Chinchilla Persian


Red Persian
Kudos to my beautiful (in many ways) and selfless daughter of whom invested towards the purchase of my first breeders (Romeo & Ellie).
Her contribution has produced the foundation for the future of Kitty Cature Cattery.
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